Odeth Alvarez

“My fitness journey has been a rewarding self discovery road since I can remember. I took part in school sports during my high school years, invested in a treadmill post pregnancy and kept using it until my early thirties but I felt that I was always missing something to bring me to a my full capacity. After a bad accident that left me with scars, a tare on my clavicle, a bad arm, bad scapula and shifted L4 and L5, I decided to implement one on one training to rehabilitate my body using weights safely. And so I began my search for that amazing trainer.

Santos came referred by a good friend of mine. Not only did I take the referral in consideration when signing up with Top Results Fitness but I also saw other results in people which gave me the assurance that this investment will have its rewards in the long run as long as I was willing to put in the work. And so I committed to working out with him as my coach.

It has now been more than 4 years since I committed to TRF and I am still going strong. My fitness journey has faced some turbulation along the way, but Santos has always been on my corner encouraging me; challenging me in every session; and pushing me to my limits. He is knowledgeable, inspiring and passionate in what he does. I can happily say I have recovered, and do suffer from occasional chronic pain, and when I experience one of those days where my chronic pain acts up, Santos shares his knowledge and rehabilitation exercises and routines which instantly makes a difference. My body is stronger than when I was younger and I can attribute that to the proper posture and proper execution on each rep and exercise that he implements in my weekly sessions. I am now more confident in going to the gym on my own and applying what he has taught me without having a feeling of intimidation by the weights in the gym nor by the people.

There is no words that can encapsulate how painfully beautiful, amazing and rewarding my fitness journey has been and having Santos in my corner makes it that much more sweeter.

Thanks Santos for helping me rise higher each time I fall.

Your student and friend – Odeth-”


Jason & Wendy Wu


Gloria Mendez