Pamela Ramirez
“I’m gonna go on my fourth year and it has impacted my life in such a positive way. Since day 1 I’ve notified positive changes in energy levels, strength, aesthetics & my mental health has immensely improved. I’ve seen the largest aesthetic change in my core/waist with dropping inches since I’ve started. I’ve lost close to 22lbs in fat since I started!
I’ve seen massive changes in my strength overall but mostly in my lower extremities through my squats and deadlifts. My normal routine before Santos was never about being active and getting in the gym and caring about what I ate. Ever since Santos started coaching me I’ve made healthier choices to what I put into my body and focusing on my gym routine.
Now I try to push 5-6 days a week and I wouldn’t change my new fitness habits for anything in the world. I now wake up at 530am and head to the gym! With Santos’ guidance and motivation I have become more confident when executing my workout routine. All my routines have been safe and effective and I’ve only see positive changes in my aesthetics.
Santos makes me feel comfortable and coaches me throughout my lifts with verbal cues that help me adjust easily on my exercises. Top Results Fitness has been a home to me, I’ve been treated like family here. Always feel welcomed with a warm cafesito and always leave with a smile on my face.
I’ll recommend Santos to anyone who’s willing to make the effort to make changes with their lifestyle habits. He will take care of you.
I thank Santos for his time and efforts with me” 🫶🏼